Jobless, Broke and Bored-OH MY!

Companies that are hiring high school students in Coon Rapids


Being an employed student can be a struggle, but it’s worth it in the end. There are plenty of advantages to having a job, like not having to beg your parents for money and finding the maturity to be able to make time for your schoolwork, work and other things. Some students may fear getting a job at such a young age, but there is no reason to fear anything. They just need to find the right workplace.

A great place for a student’s first job would be Davanni’s. Davanni’s is a pizza and hot hoagie restaurant, and they are hiring. To work at Davanni’s, you have to be at least fourteen years of age. When talking to one of the managers, Kyle Moen, he described the work environment. “Our business motto: care, work hard and have fun.” Along with that he said that it is fast-paced, character-building and friendly. Moen hopes for all student employees to grow as a person and become more independent. The managers at Davanni’s understand the needs of students and are very flexible with scheduling students, which makes it an easy place to work.

One other great place for students to work is Denny’s. Denny’s is a restaurant that is open twenty-four hours; they serve breakfast, lunch and dinner. To work at Denny’s you have to be sixteen years or older. They are currently hiring, as well. One of the managers, Jen Hickman, was asked if this would be a good job for a student and she replied, “Yeah, hosting is more of a start, getting to see the environment.” Hickman looks for honesty, consistency and a good attitude from an employee. While speaking to her, she brought up the fact that while working at Denny’s, employees experience high-paced situations in which they need to manage the situation by multi-tasking.

Those were just two examples of jobs that are hiring in the area, but there are plenty more, like Canes, Taco Bell, Chipotle and McDonald’s. As long as students get out there and look for what they want, there are plenty of places to find.

Set a goal for yourself, working in high school could  give you an advantage you never realized.