Morgan Coffeen, Writer
Hello! My name is Morgan and I’m a senior here at CRHS. I’m actively involved in theatre, choir, Raven Street Project, NHS, and News Crew! I’m 17, although, I’ve never really felt like a “real” teenager. It’s sort of strange to me how, as a child, you’re brought up surrounded by the promise of your teenage years and all the greatness they’ll bring. In so many movies, books, and TV shows that we loved, there were teenagers doing all of these crazy things and going on wild adventures. My whole childhood was me waiting to have that excitement. But now that I’m here, it feels sort of like a blur and it’s not as special as I always thought it would be. Don’t get me wrong, I have great friends and it’s super cool to be able to drive to McDonald’s by yourself if you’re hungry (instead of incessantly prodding your mom) but it definitely isn’t anywhere near as cool as Clueless…Anyway, I like cats, cereal, and music, and this newspaper is where I’ll (hopefully) be writing some cool things for you to read!