Glasses or No Glasses: A Scientific Study

Glasses or No Glasses: A Scientific Study

We at CRHS Nest love science and men with glasses. We thought it was time to settle the age old debate: do glasses make men more attractive? We conducted a scientific poll of 24 Coon Rapids High School students and teachers to determine who the local population favors.

We created a survey using photos of male celebrities in which they are wearing glasses in one photo and compared it to another where they were not wearing glasses. We included nine diverse celebrities to tailor to everyone’s personal preferences in our thorough study: Ryan Gosling, Dylan O’Brien, James Dean, James Franco, Chris Rock, Hugh Grant, Matt Bomer, Johnny Depp, and Bill Nye.



Our survey indicates that Coon Rapids High School prefers men with glasses slightly more over men without glasses; however, the calculated figures were quite close, suggesting that the preference towards men with glasses is quite minimal. Bill Nye was the most divisive celebrity for our participants as 50% chose his image with (safety) glasses and 50% chose his image without glasses. The use of male celebrities as the basis for the test does limit the test as it does not show the participants’ responses to average men wearing glasses or not wearing glasses. Also, some of our participants struggled to choose between the two photos, so their decisions were not based on strong opinions, suggesting that the preference towards glasses is by chance. However, some participants felt strongly about some of the images as one of the participants said that Hugh Grant with glasses “could take me to a dumpster as a date.”

We conclude that CRHS prefers men with glasses, so the time has come for CRHS men to flaunt their glasses. We recognize the limits of our study, and we beseech the scientific community to conduct a thorough survey on a national scale to determine the country’s preference towards men with or without glasses.